Feature film
Since 2002, DGT Filmes has been producing feature-length documentaries, fiction, and experimental films, participating in and winning awards at various festivals around the world. Our work has been commercially exhibited in cinemas, on free-to-air TV, cable TV, and streaming platforms.
See below for our productions!



Boom Shankar
The lost film of Guará
Brazil, 78', Sergio Gag
1972. Uma Kombi viaja da Holanda à Índia. Essa jornada é a matéria-prima de Boom Shankar, único filme dirigido por Guará Rodrigues, personagem mítico do Cinema Brasileiro de Invenção. Aquele filme nunca foi concluído, mas fragmentos recentemente encontrados são combinados com depoimentos de integrantes da viagem que recuperam o espírito libertário e pioneiro da época.
19th CineOP – Ouro Preto Film Show
Contemporary Showcase
SatyriCine Bijou Festival 2024
Best Editing of a Feature Film Award
Special Jury Mention
Blue Amazon
Brazil, 60', Sergio Gag
What is the Blue Amazon? What actions are being taken concerning the corals at the mouth of the Amazon River, humpback whales, and other marine species? Why are sharks increasingly present on the beaches of Pernambuco? What impact mitigation processes are companies operating in the seas undertaking? Come discover the many things happening in Brazil’s oceans.
In release
The joy is the acid test
Brazil, 101', Helena Ignez
Mercúrio Produções | with DGT Filmes support
Artist and sexologist Jarda and her activist partner Lírio reminisce about a trip they took to Morocco in the 1970s and their youth filled with freedom and experiences. Today, Jarda teaches women how to achieve their own orgasm. With her group of disciples and friends Ana Brasil, Sheyla Fernanda, Caroline Sylvie, and Lakshmi, she develops feminist and artistic self-sustaining projects.
The Big Bang of Dorothy Boom
Brazil, 86', Os Albertos
The journey of the underground star Regina Müller/Dorothy Boom reveals a different perspective on iconophilia and iconoclasm, devotion and transgression, embodiment and performance, while her creative process is traversed by religious, profane, and queer cultural elements.
Festival Internacional de Cinema Rio LGBTQIA+
Best National Feature Film
Santos Film Fest
IV International Devotional Cinema Festival, Argentina
13th Meeting of Against Silence All Voices, Mexico
Biking South
Brazil, 53', Sergio Gag
We follow the bicycle journey of Toni Nogueira and Dudu Toledo, traveling from São Paulo to the southern part of Brazil. Toni, a 74-year-old musician and filmmaker, takes on any challenge with his bike, while Dudu, a 51-year-old yoga practitioner, values encounters with people along the way and contact with nature. Together, they travel through four states, crossing mountains, rivers, forests, and beaches, revealing the natural and cultural diversity of this region of Brazil.
Shown on TV Suzano
Financed by Prodav 2018 - Ancine BRDE/FSA
Profanne Alliances
Brazil, 70', Well Darwin
During the quarantine prompted by the Coronavirus, hundreds of videos posted on Well Darwin's personal Instagram transform into a skewed diary of our time over the last 10 years, and at the same time into a deep dive into his being—a dive for both the viewer and the artist. It becomes an experience of discovery, resistance, and contemplation for both sides.
16th edition of the São Paulo Latin American Film Festival
Nothing I wanted to say
Brazil, 64', Sergio Gag
Dois irmãos compartilham a solidão, as expectativas e as reflexões no período de quatro meses em quarentena pela Covid-19, enquanto se envolvem com a elaboração de um filme sobre o isolamento.
6th Santos Film Fest
Cinema of Nations, Germany
Brazil, 68', Well Darwin and Paula Petreca
Demonic beings, pastoral animals, mermaids, sailors, sea monsters, old ladies, and foreigners are figures that emerge in the body of the dancer, who, like a troubadour, narrates with her dances, acts of passion, and misadventures. Trovas is a solo dance in three acts, each revisiting myths from Lusitanian culture, exposing tensions with other cultures related to the colonial process and the complex maritime expansion, and opening the dancer’s body to deal with contradictions and emotions that mark her body in encounters with ancestries and historical questions.
In release
Pyroclastic Ozu
Brasil, 82', Well Darwin
Pyroclastic flows (also known as pyroclastic clouds or pyroclastic surges) are the devastating result of some volcanic eruptions. They consist of fast-moving fluid bodies made up of hot gas and pyroclasts (ash and rock) that can travel at speeds of up to 160 km per hour. In this case, the eruption is the Marginal Cinema, and the pyroclastic flows are named Ozualdo R. Candeias.
15th Latin American Festival of São Paulo
FESTCiMM - Film Festival in the Middle of the World
The Lady Who Died in the Trailer
Brazil, 99', Os Albertos
Found dead in the trailer where she lived in California in August 1985, she left behind unfinished stories, lost remnants of her troubled journey, and a trail of mystery.
1st Satyricine Bijou Festival
Best Soundtrack and Honorable Mention Actress (Zilda Mayo)
6th Santos Film Fest
Honorable Mention
11th Cinefantasy
21st Satyrianas Festival
6th Yes, We Have Burlesque Festival!
Felisquié - Literary Festival of the Backlands of Jequié
16th CineOP – Ouro Preto Film Festival
14th History Symposium of Tijuana, Mexico
1st International Devotion Film Festival, Argentina
13th ASVOFF (A Shaded View on Fashion Film), France
Guangzhow International Documentary Film Festival – China.
Brazil, 82', Diego da Costa
Sofia has a clear goal: to pass the entrance exam, find a job, and move out of her house. However, when the school she attends is occupied by her friends and classmates, she finds herself facing a dilemma between continuing to study alone or sharing her knowledge in the transformation of the school.
42nd Guarnicê Film Festival
Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress/Actor
14th Latin American Festival of São Paulo
Best Film, Popular Jury
International Panorama of Cinema Thing - Waterfall Show
Best Picture
26th Vitoria Film Festival.
A fax to Godard
Brazil, 84', Well Darwin, Stela Ramos, Eduardo Bonzatto and Sérgio Gag
A filmic and creative inventory of a peculiar time, a kaleidoscope of moving images that allows the viewer infinite readings and connections, in a constant play of breaks and continuities that captures their attention from beginning to end. All of this is derived from 365 videos made and published on an Instagram page in 2018, edited and assembled with an original soundtrack and a text adapted from a play by Friedrich Dürrenmatt.
16th edition of the São Paulo Latin American Film Festival
Brazil, 82', Gregorio Gananian and Dani OMM
Documentary featuring Lanny Gordin, a key guitarist of Tropicália, who "electrified" Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, and Jards Macalé, among others. Lanny reveals his liberating process of composition and current thinking, embarking on an unusual odyssey through Brazil and China, his country of birth.
21st Tiradentes Film Festival
Best Feature Film - Mostra Olhos Livres
Sao Paulo International Film Festival
IN-EDIT Film Festival, Brazil
Festival Internacional Del Nuevo Cine Latino Americano, Havana
10th Semana de Cinema
High Tension Line
Brazil, 82', Sergio Gag
What does your hair say about you? We traveled to São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and Belém to show how hair is an important element of individual and group identity, reflecting the ethnic, age, socioeconomic, and gender diversity of Brazilians.
This film explores society and culture, behavior and identity in Brazil, as well as prejudice and historical and contemporary contradictions, all through the lens of hair.
OFFCine 19
Best Director and Best Cinematography for a Documentary
FeedDog Brazil
5th MIRA Latin American Film Festival in Bonn, Germany
5th Pan-Amazonian Film Festival
42nd Guarnicê Film Festival
Alter do Chão Film Festival
50th Brazilian Film Festival of Brasilia
New Media Distribution Laboratory
How we are
Brazil, 85', Rafael Botta
Brazil is the country with the highest rate of LGBT murders in the world. "Como Somos" (How We Are) offers a reflection on gender identity, transsexuality, health, religion, and psychology. Narrated by Nany People, it tells stories from Bauru, a city in the interior of São Paulo known for its welcoming attitude towards the LGBT community. The film shows that it is not necessary to be in large metropolitan centers to ensure rights and high-quality public policies.
For Rainbow Film Festival
Shown on Canal Brasil
Beat it!
Brazil, 72', Alessandro Buzo
Isabela moves from São Paulo to the coast, where she opens a restaurant to start anew. Kokada is a rapper and cultural activist on the beach, dealing with economic and family difficulties. Their encounter brings both conflict and harmony, culminating in a tragic ending.
Brazil, 77', Well Darwin
Poem-Film adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's work with texts by Fernando Pessoa, features the meeting/mismeeting of two antagonistic characters. Berenice is a happy girl with perfect health, while Egeu is naturally depressive and suffering from severely weakened health. The encounter between these two characters leads to a morbid obsession that ends in tragedy.
Around International Film Festival Amsterdam
Best Feature film
Mexico International Film Festival
Golden Palm Award
2nd Indian Word Film Festival
IV CineMistica Festival 2017, Granada, Malaga, Cordoba, Madrid and Iquitos
Around International Film Festival Berlin
Heydrich's book
Brazil, 72', Clemiê Blaud
Bachiana / DGT Films
Marcelo Reis, a resident of Capão Redondo, claims to be Heydrich, an officer of Hitler. The film investigates the delusion stemming from the history of Nazism from the perspective of a mental health service user at a CAPS (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial) in São Paulo. The film intertwines documentary and fiction through a collective effort of mental health and cinema teams: an actor is trained by Marcelo to portray Heydrich in the fictional narrative; one team produces the costume; another writes the script; another investigates the origins of the delusion; and another scouts locations in Paranapiacaba, where Marcelo claims to have become Heydrich. The project aims to revive and update the theme of "Hitler 3rd World" by J. Agrippino de Paula, observing, with Foucault, that "madness is the theater of the world" and foreshadows social dystopias.
Festival Soy loco por ti Juquery
Brazil, 80', Sergio Gag
Retrato da vanguarda artística que surge a partir da periferia caótica de São Paulo, à margem da grande mídia num filme que mescla proposta de linguagem e resistência cultural. Através da poesia e do RAP um recado contundente sobre temas como repressão policial, educação pública e luta por direitos das mulheres e da população negra. Um recorte dos encontros semanais que acontecem ao som do contrabaixo e da bateria da banda Listras Negras, em meio aos livros que cobrem as prateleiras da livraria Suburbano Convicto.
8th In-Edit Brazil
Fair Play?
Brazil, 81', Sergio Gag
The journey of a soccer ball from England to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, traveling through 24 countries and over 20,000 kilometers. During the five months of the trip, this ball (which was made in a prison in São Paulo) is kicked by famous players from major clubs in Europe, the USA, and Latin America, as well as by ordinary people, revealing the democratic and universal nature of football. It offers a counterpoint to the corporate game played in stadiums and marred by recent FIFA scandals.
Aired on The History Channel
Displayed at the Football Museum in São Paulo
Ralé - The Lower Dephts
Brazil, 90', Helena Ignez
Mercúrio Produções
Associated Production DGT Filmes
Ralé is a film within a film. Young directors, teenage prodigies, are shooting “The Exhibitionist” in the midst of a farm in a picturesque region. Barão, played by Ney Matogrosso, lives on this farm where he is to celebrate his wedding with the dancer Marcelo. The film poetically explores the Brazilian soul, positioning the Amazon as the epicenter of the world, reflecting on existential issues and affirming the right to sexual freedom and individuality. It is a philosophical and musical film, loosely inspired by Maxim Gorky’s play Ralé.
23rd Mix Brazil Festival
Best Director Award
39th Guarnicê Film Festival
Best Director Award and Best Soundtrack Award
Rio Festival of Gender & Sexuality in Cinema
Honorable Mention to José Celso Martinez Corrêa
Rio summer, 2015;
39th São Paulo International Film Festival
19th Tiradentes Film Festival
What's up?
Brazil, 79', Sergio Gag
Fourteen entrepreneurs in the outskirts of São Paulo and Rio surprise us with their determination and creativity, showcasing their incredible drive in a new and relatively unknown economic frontier in Brazil.
Mc Profession
Brazil, 52', Alessandro Buzo and Toni Nogueira
MC Profession tells the story of a rapper in the outskirts who, in a delicate moment of his life, unemployed and with a pregnant girlfriend, receives two offers: one to enter the drug trade and another to continue betting on rap. It is a film about opportunities, or the lack thereof. This film did not receive a single penny in funding for its production and aims to be screened in various communities across Brazil.
Gramado Film Festival
Winged Greyhound Medal
Shown at Cine Olido
Beautiful people, intelligent people!
Brazil, 50', Mauricio Falcao and Sergio Gag
The Cooperifa Poetry Slam is art, resistance, creativity, and also the collective strength of everyone who gathers weekly to speak and listen to poetry, thus making politics and building pathways. Beautiful People, Intelligent People! is a 2007 film that observes this movement from the perspective of some of the attendees of the Slam, aiming to reveal the human aspect that overflows on the poetry nights.
Cinema Esquema Novo
Best Medium-Length Film, Popular Jury
Shown at CineSesc
Samba Citizen
Osvaldinho of Cuica
Brazil, 50', Toni Nogueira, Simone Soul and
Osvaldinho of Cuica
Osvaldinho da Cuica, a samba ace, showcases his expertise through impressive performances, dancing and playing various instruments while presenting notable characters and events in the history of São Paulo samba. A revival of São Paulo’s samba memory through the recollections of one of its greatest representatives.
Shown at Sesc Vila Nova
Caatinga Heritage
Brasil, 48', Sérgio Túlio Caldas
The documentary Caatinga Heritage reveals the richness of the biodiversity found in this ecosystem, which occupies 10% of the national territory and is exclusively Brazilian. When the environment is discussed in Brazil, the Amazon and Atlantic Forest are usually highlighted. However, the caatinga harbors a collection of plant and animal species that astonish science. The film aims to break the misconception that the caatinga is a bioma poor in natural resources, where there is only sandy ground and twisted trees.
Shown on TV Sesc/Senac
Jai Hind
Trip to Rajasthan
Brazil, 52', Sergio Tulio Caldas and Toni Nogueira
Located in the northwest of India, Rajasthan is the most colorful state in the country. The documentary explores places such as Jaipur, the Pink City; Jodhpur, the Blue City; and Jaisalmer, where the fantastic Desert Festival takes place.
Rajasthan is one of the most fascinating points in the five thousand years of Indian history. It is the land of Maharajas, with incredible cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, only found in India.
Jai Hind (Long Live India) is an old declaration of love for the country.
Shown on TV Sesc/Senac
Central Asia
On the borders of Islam
Brazil, 52', Sergio Tulio Caldas and Toni Nogueira
Documentary filmed in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of their independence from the former Soviet Union. It reveals the ancient and diverse culture of this nearly unexplored corner of the world as well as its lush nature.
Shown on TV Sesc/Senac